Informationen über Artikel
ArtikelCragganmore (Speyside) - Signatory 30th Anniversary 33 Jahre 1985
BemerkungHogshead 1241, nur 199 nummerierte Fl.
Inhalt/Vol.0,7L / 53,4%
Preis665 (entspricht 950 / Liter)
Preis inkl. gesetzlicher Mehrwertsteuer, exkl. Versandkosten
Beschreibungdistilled: 28.05.1985, bottled: 27.07.2018
in großer, massiver Holzkiste, mit Zertifikat und 2 Nosing Tumblern!
Serge Valentin ( gibt diesem alten Cragganmore sehr gute 88 Punkte und schreibt:
I find it extremely cool that Signatory would have kept some old Cragganmore! Not that they grow on trees… Colour: pure gold. Nose: wham! Old bourbon, vanilla, earl grey, box of cigars, miso soup, camphor, lavender (touches, do not worry), pine sap, drops of yellow Chartreuse… Perfecto! With water: ho-ho-ho, it’s turning around, with bandages, old ointments, mercurochrome, pine sap, camphor, eucalyptus, Vicks’ very best, assorted pain relieving rubs… Mouth (neat): it’s funny that it would start rather bourbony again (and I mean Papy-y stuff and such), as well as rather plankish – but not problems at all here. Vanilla pods, some herbal teas (many of them), cedar wood… Hope it’ll swim well, could be tricky given the oak… With water: it gets gentler, rather cake-y and a little sour in some corners… All that in a good way. Finish: rather long, flirting with the limits of oakiness at times, which, in my book, will prevent it from making to 90. Oh well, you’re right, who cares… Comments: it’s not impossible that this old Crag’ was better when Signatory celebrated their 20th, but we’re really getting too fussy down here, aren’t we. SGP:451 - 88 points.

Signatory Vintage Scotch Whisky Co. Ltd., Pitlochry PH16 5JP, GB
Inverkehrbringer: Kirsch Import e.K., Mackenstedter Str. 7, D-28816 Stuhr

Kunden BewertungeneKomi Shopsiegel

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